Friday, January 22, 2010

Q#1- Do I Take the Job or Not?

Question #1- Do I take the job or not? This is for real. I am leaving it up to you.

Background: For various family reasons, I didn't go to college when all my peers went. For several years I managed a small health care practice. I didn't make much money, but it was a job I was good at and the doctor was a good man. Finally, the day came where i was able to quit that job and FINALLY go to college (uni for my overseas friends) so I could eventually get a better job! I graduated in May! It cost a lot of money and it was hard work as it was an Ivy League school. But I did it. I graduated.

The week before I graduated, analysts (who analyze such things) came out to say that for recent college graduates, this is the worst job market in the country's history (that would include the period of the depression). Wow. Happy graduation to me. Turns out, they were right. I have applied to countless jobs without success. I've applied for everything from entry level jobs to more qualified positions. I've applied at companies from large corporations in the big cities to the Starbucks and grocery store in my neighborhood. Nothing. So far I have only received the following feedback: 1) I am over qualified 2) I am not well enough qualified 3) they are not hiring at the moment 4) the position has already been filled. (The time I got the email informing me that the position had already been filled I was a little excited because at least I finally got some feedback to the countless resumes I've sent out. I know, pathetic.)

Since I couldn't find any opportunities, I made my own opportunity by starting a business. The work is seasonal and right now is the "off" season so have neither work, nor income. While the business was 'in season", I didn't receive any income, BUT by my final week I finally broke even. Yessiree, folks. My business now has a tidy profit of $26. As soon as I make the next necessary purchase for the company, it will dip back into the red but for now I'm celebrating any victory that comes along.

In the meantime, I have a little money set aside but worry if it'll be enough until I find a job where I can support myself.

This past week I saw the doctor I used to work for. He asked me to come back to work for him 3 mornings a week. For the same rate I was making 6 years ago (which wasn't much at that time). I used to live near his office. Now I live about an hour away. So I'd be traveling 2 hours on Mondays and 2 hours on Wednesdays in order to work 3 hours each of those mornings. On Fridays I'd work for 5 or 6 hours and drive 2.

Now's your turn.

Do I take the job or not?

YOU decide. But make it quick. I only have a few days before I need to let him know. I'll get back to you to let you know how it goes.


  1. Unless it's the social aspect of the job that you crave my guess is that you'll end up PAYING to work there. The commute alone will cost you in gas and the long run it will cost you to work there until your business finds its way back to the 'in' season.
    Call me indecisive, though, I just can't tell you what to do in this situation...

  2. Sorry, "indecisive" isn't one of the choices. From what you've said, I'll count that as a no vote. Two others weighed in an hour ago and they were both no votes as well.

    So, so far, Folks, we have:


    Anyone else in the peanut gallery wanting to weigh in?

  3. I'm thinking, since you have much time in these next 24 hour , to try and figure out the cost of gas and tolls if any that the commute will have. Then figure out how much you will be making at the job. If you still end up in the "black" in the end I would say go for it, you will get a little bit of money, and it will give you a bit of a schedule which is good, and in the mean time you have your summer business and you can kep applying for other jobs.

    I cannot give you a definite yes or no but rather a "weigh the options and see what the projected outcome is"

  4. No. Unless you want to see the people, or do him a favor you think will open a job opportunity for you, just no.

    I understand the temptation to go back to the familiar, but in this case I don't think its the best idea.

  5. Hey Libs - as I told you at lunch the other day, my vote would be no. It will cost you more in time, gas money etc. than you would make. I'd hold out for something closer, even if it's only part time.

  6. As I also told you at lunch the other day, no, wait for something closer and more geared toward your goals... DD

  7. Don't take the job unless the pro's outweigh the con's.

  8. don't take it. knowing that you're such a considerate person, I could see you feeling bad about taking the next (and better) job when it's offered to you in a month or so.

  9. Here's the update I promised:

    I didn't take the job. But am considering going in to help out next month if I don't find anything soon. Oh, and btw, the $ is now 2/3 of what I used to earn. God bless this new economic status we've been enjoying the past two years!
