Friday, January 22, 2010

Help Me Live My Life

Sometimes I find it hard to make decisions.

Big decisions: Should I keep my apartment or move? Move to another place or another city or another continent? Small decisions: Do I stay inside where it's nice and warm or pull on sweats and go for a walk to begin the process of losing the 30 pounds I packed on in college? Do I eat brownies for breakfast or half a banana and yogurt? And medium decisions: Do I send out one more never-to-be-answered-resume-and-cover-letter, telling random company X why I am the person they want working for them or should I play a game of Sudoku where, at least, I'll succeed at something or do I spend that time trying to learn another language? Do I take my car into the dealership today to get the side view mirror fixed (the one that someone smashed while I was in a meeting the other night) or do I keep driving with the broken side mirror (I'm also missing my regular rear view mirror) because I'm just not too sure what bigger expense I'll have next week? You'll even get to weigh in on relationship decisions.

Whenever I have a decision to make, but inertia has set in, freezing my brain into a sticky pit of "I don't know!", I'll ask you to make my decision for me. Whatever you all decide, I'll do. Go ahead and kick my butt. Or simply tell me to sit down and chill. Tell me to wear that green sweater or go for the flowery skirt. I'll blog & tweet the question. You'll vote and I swear to follow whatever decision you've made. Whatever it is.

And I'll let you know what the fall out or the consequences are to every decision. Even the ones that end up some what embarrassingly.

Can some life decisions be better made by a majority vote? Give it a try and let's see how it goes. Then see if afterward, it changes how you live your own life.


  1. Keep the apartment unless it's infested with bugs and rats.
    Put on those sweats and walk with a friend.
    Eat brownies, never say no to brownies.
    Send the resume.
    Which mirror is more important to driving? Fix that one.

  2. Whoever this anonymous was, please allow me to say, "Awesome!"

    Apartment the best in the world (with a mouse or two).
    I didn't end up walking but will...sometime.
    Instead of brownies- I went with Little Debbie Nutty Bars.
    Resume sent.
    Now the entire wind shield is cracked so will eventually get BOTH mirrors fixed when I get a new windshield.

    Thanks so much!

