Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Q#4- Head or heart?

Hi All,

This question is not so much a matter of "help me make a decision" as it is a survey about how each of you live your lives.

So here's the question:

When you've got to make a big decision in your life, which of the two outweigh the other: your head or your heart? Which do you listen to more?

Vote. Weigh in. Debate.


  1. I think its never good to follow either one. I think you need to use both. I think that following with your head all the time will make you bitter and full of regrets and wants, but I think if you follow your heart all the time it will lead one down a path where you might be faced with a lot of difficulties.

    I think a life led with logic and a emotion is one that will work the best, do what you love, learn to tell the logic to shove it but at the same time make wise desicions for later on in life.

  2. That makes a lot of sense.

    So what do you do when the two are at odds with one another?

  3. I usually go with my gut, which to me is the best guide. I believe in fate, and in free will. Fate puts you in a place, free will determines how you will use what is given.

    That being said, I have to say my heart has given me more pain, and more joy, than anything my head has chosen. The decisions I've made with my head usually end up being...neutral. No joy, no pain but nothing else, either. It has been as simple as accepting a date from the 'logical' choice, and being bored, as well as annoyed and irritated to something as complex as taking a job I swore I wouldn't that ended up being such a bad fit, that it is memorable. Ok, so the head things do sound negative (which is more than nothing...) but really, I know I needed to do them so I don't assign them much importance. Both things didn't last long and were teaching times so...ok, I guess that is what the head choices have given me...quick, sometimes hard, lessons.

    Now...in the rare instances that I've truly been at odds? I start watching the small things. Unexpected coincidences; items appearing in my life that either shouldn't or wouldn't normally be there. Pieces of dreams, especially, can give me insights as to the better choice for me. Not whole dreams, cuz those tend to be way too detailed or strange to try and completely sort out.

    So...sorry I'm late to this! I was out of town, finally catching up today.

  4. Nilliem, your answer was so much more than I expected. I truly appreciate it. Some good stuff to think on.

  5. Heh...well, this is one of my favorite topics. Many people either believe in fate *or* free will. I've never seen it work that way.
